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UPS sizing tips

UPS selection & sizing is extremely tricky at times and it is important to get it right before you even consider which UPS to buy for your application. There are various UPS sizing guides available online that can help you understand your requirement better. But when it comes down to it nothing can beat a simpler but surer way out, that is to carry out a detailed survey.

We offer site surveys free of charge. The site survey will normally look into various technical aspects, including:

  • The maximum possible load
  • The maximum likely load
  • Power factor
  • The level of redundancy required
  • Battery backup time
  • Reactive power requirement
  • Power quality issues
  • Energy consumptions issues

Please contact us to arrange a detailed survey and proposal to obtain optimum security and protection for your installation.

For more information or an informal discussion about UPS selection, sizing & capacity tips, please call: +91-33-645201156 or mail at

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