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Power Factor & Harmonics

Power Factor correction systems are often installed and forgotten. System loads change, and in particular changing harmonic levels can impact the performance of power factor systems. Regular maintenance checks are required to verify performance and ensure safe operation.


  • ⦿ Full audit of capacitors to verify operation and identify any degradation in performance
  • ⦿ Measurement of plant harmonic voltage levels
  • ⦿ Identification of any potentially damaging harmonic resonance concerns with power factor correction system
  • ⦿ Inspection of any blocking chokes, where fitted, to identify any signs of overheating
  • ⦿ Check the power factor controller operation
  • ⦿ Identification of any problems with the power factor switching devices (normally contractors) like problems with inrush limiting
  • ⦿ Identification of any changes in load or power factor performance that are impacting correction performance
  • ⦿ Preparation of a professional easy to understand report that details power factor correction system performance and any remedial action required

Live Line has a team of trained staff and service partners with expertise in investigation of power factor correction systems, particularly when harmonics are involved. 

If you have existing power factor correction equipment and are concerned about its operation, give Live Line a call to arrange a site audit. Following the site audit a professional report will be prepared that summarises the health of the existing power factor correction system and details recommended remedial action. It will also record the level of plant harmonic voltage distortion at each monitored switchboard. The harmonic information can be used to ensure any future power factor correction is suitably designed.

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